

Listening Is The First Step Towards Caring

Understanding your customers plays a vital role in building trust for any brand. In the healthcare and medical sector this becomes even further critical. It is absolutely important to know the emotional needs of the patient to provide them the support and effective treatment. Zykrr has been focused on providing a new generation, cost-effective SaaS-based patient insights platform to help hospitals, clinics, & healthcare generate ongoing actionable insights for both their patients as well as staff. Zykrr has been successful at bridging the gap between patients, staffs and doctors as it is the ideal system to take feedback in hospitals, clinics, labs and pharmacies. It also captures patient sentiments, staff responsiveness, facility rating and overall patient satisfaction.

Why Patients Experience Is An Important Factor In The Treatment Cycle.

  • Every hospital today wishes to be the leader in the healthcare industry. But, when a patient has a poor experience, he would share his experience within his circle. Consider this – ten other patients who might have had a poor experience would also have shared their harrowing stories within their social circle. Unfortunately, due to this network effect, the hospital squandered business opportunities from at least a hundred patients.
  • The word about poor patient experience spreads like wildfire, especially since the advent of social media. The impact that such events have on the business is catastrophic. On the flip side, benefits from patients sharing their positive experiences are manifold. Hospitals that understand this have already started working on enhancing the patient experience.

The Only Tool You’ll Ever Need For Patient Feedback Management

Make your patient feedback count by converting it into an opportunity to rapidly improve the patient experience.

  • Research & Analysis: Zykrr’s team understand the flow and analyse the integration feasibility with existing system
  • Design & Execution: We help finding the keywords through touch point analysis and design the platform.
  • Support: Zykrr team goes hand in hand with the client and assists whenever needed.

Platform For Providers And Caregiver

Connect with your doctors, nurses and staff at every touch point of their journey from talent acquisition, on-boarding, training and development, off-boarding, and separation.

Create engagement and continuous improvement strategy

Capture and analyze the feedback of front liners to add value to the services and stay ahead of the curve.

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We're always on the lookout for talented individuals who share our passion for creating transformative experiences. If you're looking for a place to make a real impact, join our journey.

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