

Solution Driven Advance Education Feedback Management System

We create a fully engaged growth environment for students and faculty.

  • One centralized place for voice of student, teacher, community and organization.
  • Department wide view through CXO dashboards
  • Feedback on multiple courses all calibrated on one platform/system
  • Identify areas of improvement
  • Mitigate negative influences on student success
  • Develop professional training resources based on the actual needs of your community

We Involve Multiple Stakeholders, Creating Wider Scope

Faculty Development

  • Teacher Engagement - Feedback from teachers on their engagement level with the institute. Students can also share their feedback on teacher’s effectiveness.
  • Workshops and training - Feedback on workshops/training effectiveness program. Content delivery and other relevant KPIs
  • 360 degree Teacher evaluation - Feedback from manager, principal, community and students would comprise of a 360 degree feedback. It can be tailored to be 90,180 or 270 as the need be.

Student Development

  • Feedback from teachers/peers/counsellors/mentors
  • Feedback from teachers on their engagement level with the school
  • Survey on Growth mindset
  • Alumni feedback on their readiness for next level
  • Providing anonymous channel for students to voice their concerns

Institute Development

Institute development would comprise of overall organization wide development and growth.

  • Institute climate and culture comprising of safety, collaboration, respect and other aspects of growth environment
  • Feedback on policy and admission process
  • Management/Leadership engagement: Feedback on the effectiveness of the leadership in growing the institute
  • Parent feedback: Feedback from the parents on workshops conducted with them and overall effectiveness in growing their children
  • Program/Course evaluation by students and teachers on its methodology and effectiveness
  • Exit Survey – providing key insights from faculty and other staff members who are leaving the school

Voice Of Community

  • Community engagement: Overall feedback on schooling available in the city on availability, education imparted affordability, climate, infrastructure etc.
  • Community feedback on development initiatives
  • Industry feedback basis the next level journey helping closing the gap between the academics and the industry
  • Industry workshop and events

Join our team

We're always on the lookout for talented individuals who share our passion for creating transformative experiences. If you're looking for a place to make a real impact, join our journey.

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