
Feedback In Your Organization

09/09/2021, by admin

Feedback In Your Organization

For all the efforts company has put in to reach the customer goes off when it comes to first use of the product or service because it’s completely in the hands of the customers. If not much then somehow it is a do or die situation where if the customer wins the company wins.

The impression can be excellent, good, average, bad. Now, these first expressions after using the product can be decisive to deploy your next marketing policies or the need of some corrective measures. But in any case, the product and services should be even more enhanced to improve from the previous customer experience. The efforts need to be made in the direction to pull them back to the company for their observations and the company needs to be ready for candies or bombs.

The real challenge is how to engage a customer for sharing their first experience of the product. Because the happier the customer is the less is the probability that she will inform about her good experiences with the product but will refer and recommend others to buy it amongst your competitors. On the other hand, a bad customer experience can reveal the gaps which were ignored or skipped off initially, which might turn down the expectations and demote the product’s name. And the average customer experience will probably look for more options the next time to buy the same product of different brand and ignore you for the second time. There are not many chances for the first impression so it is important to put your best in the first.

But how do you correspond the first impression?

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