Customer Analytics

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Customer Experience Analytics

It is not just enough to collect feedback and reviews from customers. It is essential to be able to interpret the feedback to be of use to the business. Every survey and every review or feedback gives an insight into how the business is doing and what can be done to improve it further. You never know when a customer leaves a million dollar idea at your doorstep.


How Can Zykrr Help You ?

We, at Zykrr offer new generation and innovative customer experience analytic services that are programmed to interpret the collected data. This includes access to live dashboard of customer satisfaction surveys, Net Promoter scores, complaints and suggestions from the users. Our AI enabled customer analytic model allows live comparison and ranking of your business with other market competitors giving you the edge over others. With a simple yet intricate timeline trend analysis of customer experience feedback, you get real-time insight into how you are performing and how you can better the services even more.
Moreover, our customer experience analysis includes complaint and suggestion text analysis at all the crucial touchpoints helping in pattern identification for each department and service provided making it possible to understand where further improvements are required. Zykrr’s customer experience management tools can be customized for each and every business type. With AI powered customer experiences, you can offer optimized and personalized services and products to meet the expectations of your customer base. With critical analytical insight to what your customer actually wants you can change the growth of your business and loyalty curve exponentially.
Our team of experts works with you closely to approach the requirement of your business in the best way possible and provide you with the software and tools that will help you transform your customer experience. Once you have the feedback, the AI powered analytics automatically converts the complex data to give you an easy to understand details with insights for cost and service effective steps.

Greater Scope of Engaging Your Customers and Assessing Your Credibility

What’s More With Zykrr?

With multi-channels being used to reach out to the customers you have a greater scope of engaging your customers and assessing your credibility in the market with the AI powered feedback portals. Using data collected from emails, SMS, whatsapp, chatbots and other sources a customer behavioral graph can be charted to understand the trends and your strengths and weaknesses. With Customer experience Analytics you can also ascertain the success of your current campaigns and also get meaningful insights on future approaches and campaigns which Zykrr will provide with. This is definitely a much faster and more accurate way to understand the effectiveness of your business strategies and making more informed decisions for all the future business endeavors.

Give Your Business The Pinnacle Of Solutions And Unlock New Potentials With Zykrr.